First Nations across Turtle Island vary greatly in their languages, culture, and ways of life. To explore some of these differences, see the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Spirit Panels Project. Click here, or on the picture above.
Over the past fifty years, Indigenous peoples have taken back control of how they are represented to the world by creating their own Cultural and Heritage Interpretation Centres. The U’mista Cultural Centre in Uclulet, BC, offers an amazing Virtual Tour. Click here, or on the picture above.
The Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia is a world leader in working with Indigenous peoples to create respectful curatorial conventions and collaborate with Indigenous peoples in sharing their material culture heritage. Check out their excellent set of online Exhibitions. Click here, or on the picture above.
There are several online resources that offer a glimpse at the history and culture of the Métis Nation. Check out this fantastic range of Oral History Resources from The Gabriel Dumont Institute’s Virtual Museum. Click here, or on the picture above.